>> I know damn well that a girl can not beat up guy, even though she could go for the balls. We are much stronger, and would easily prevent the girls from getting anywhere near our balls. A females vulva is just as sensitive as a males testacies but although it may be slightly better protected* men have a height advantage, a weight advantage, a strength advantage and also girls usually have less muscle mass so a blow to anywhere on their body is more painful for a woman then a man as the pain receptors aren't aswell protected by muscle.. Also women have long hair which can easily be pulled, usually wear tight restrictive clothing such as jeans and have brittle things like nails which easily break. Also f a woman is kicked in the vulva a man has the option of hitting her breasts, twisting her nipples and even raping her. He vulva is located right between a woman's thighs.
yeah your right a females vulva is right between her thighs so next time a girl wants to kick yoour balls just kick her pussy, twist her nipples, pull her her, rape her and then tease for having to be a girl and having to cope with perriods, period pain, childbirth, effects of childbrith afterwards(weak bladder, bad backs, heavy bleeding, loss of figure, strech marks. cramps, discharges, postnal bleeding, thrush havin to ax legs, and worry about facial and bdy hair, slower metabolism, unwanted pregncaniies (a man can just pregnate a bitch and fuck off while a woman has to make a choice that will effect the rest of her life and stya with her.) and having to carry a baby for 9 fucking months and getting fat. biatch