Sorry if i looked like i was doing something bad here. I don't/didn't intend to hurt anyone by posting online. I don't have the time anyways. I only said that I had posted my email address up above...not specifically a request for email. But it is always good to be on the cautious side. Some people out there aren't as nice as I am (which really sucks).
But basically, use common sense. Although I don't ask my mom every time I want to send an email (I'm 19 by the way), it is a good idea to be careful when choosing to email. Like Ballet MOM said, don't give out info that could be used to find you (like address, city, or phone number of where you live, or where you dance.).
But basically, personal safety should take priority over losing a potential friend. I don't want to become a statistic. I doubt that anyone wants to hurt me, but you never know...[/i]