Ask your mom if you can weat sweat pants over your tights when you walk to class. Then when you get to class, take them off while you dance. Then put them back on to come home. When the weather gets colder or rainy, you'll need to wear warmer clothes over your tights unless you change at your dance school.
Have fun at class.
Kids Remember: NEVER give out your Email address, phone number, address to anyone on the internet! Let your mom/mum read the messages here so she knows what your doing, for your own safety. There are sick people out there who want to hurt you and they will lie to get their way.
Go to to post messages, those boards are moderated by adults and it's safer than here. Have your mom/mum check it out first.
A dancer
>why do i have to wear tights at ballet >mom makes me do ballet and says i have to wear tights but i dont like wearing themm to class down the street they are yellow tight[/i]