Don't blame Kyle for things that I do. I proudly wear my pink tights and black leotard to my Pointe class with the girls who wear the same tights and leotard as I do. I have no problem with it, My teacher haws no problem with it and the others in my Pointe class don't have a problem with it. So who the hell are you to pass judgement on me? You don't even know anything about me. To accuse someone you don't know of needing therapy is outrageous!!!
I will never understand what the big deal is about me wearing pink tights in class? If I wore white tights, you'd have no problem? You sound like a very sad person who cruelly judges people based on outdated stereotypes. Boys in ballet wear tights!!! FACT!!! I just happen to have a fondness for wearing pink tights. GET OVER IT!!! MOVE ON!!! MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!! [/i]