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Re: Girls who feel they have something to prove

geschrieben von Sami at  am 21.10. um 18:17:35 - als Antwort auf: Girls who feel they have something to prove von Cory at
You don't hit people, espescially girls. Ballet need both sexes. I have never experienced girls doing stuff to harm me, I am the only boy in my academy when I first started and didn't feel amy pressure. The girls only giggled at first when I started pointe classes but is soon stopped. We are there to learn, not to play games! Be serious about it and people will treat you with respect as long as you respect others as well.I don't believe girls will deliberately squeeze or hurt boys down there, either the teacher is blind or the girl(s) who wrote this made this up out of fantasy. Don't believe in everything one says in this site as it is unmoderated. If you want serious dance discussions go to www.danceart.comSami

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