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Re: im 13 and want to start ballet classes im a boy!!!!!!!!!!

geschrieben von Ballerina Boy at  am 18.11. um 16:28:56 - als Antwort auf: im 13 and want to start ballet classes im a boy!!!!!!!!!! von 
>Hi, Im a 13 year old boy and i realy want to start doin ballet or gymnastics but i dont want to ask my mum because i dont know how!!!>I like the idea of wearing a leotard and everything but thats not all i want to get out of ballet class.>Im all ready the one who is percieved as gay at school so i dont think it will make any difference to my street cred as i dont realy have any anyway.>I realy want to start but dont know how to ask my mum.>i live in manchester in england and if anyone in the uk or anywhere else for that matter has any pics of them doing ballet for my enthusiasm boost (im not a perv or ay dont wory!!!) or any advice for me either e-mail me or leve me a message on the site thannks alot.

Just tell your mum that you want to take ballet lessons. Don't keep it as a secret. Just tell her and fullfill your wish to dance!!!

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