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Re: Boys in pink tights!!

geschrieben von Steve  am 15.05. um 23:27:33 - als Antwort auf: Boys in pink tights!! von Ballerina Boy at
I wouldn't require it for a big reason:  In ballet, there are specific gender roles, and "standing out" rather than "blending in" is the best idea.  Besides, although wearing the same outfit as the girls may be fun, do you want to be taken seriously as you get older?  I don't have anything against guys wearing leotards and tights (after all, who wore them first?), but you might be selling yourself short.

However, what you wear at home doesn't matter...and there's ALWAYS October 31st!


>Who's in favor of requiring boys in ballet to wear pink tights and black leotards to class? I am!! I do it everyday in my ballet classes. At first the teacher and the girls in my class had a real problem with it. I was even suspened from class for 2 weeks. But since I was the studio's only boy, they backed off and let me wear my pink tights and black leotards to class. >The teacher and the girls in my class now accept me in my pink tights and black leotards!! One day soon, I hope to join the girl's Pointe classes!!

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