pretty ballerina
geschrieben von eli at am 25.10. um 00:20:20 - als Antwort auf: hi my name is rebekah i wanna a great friend to talk about a von hi my name is rebekah i wanna a great friend to talk about a >>>>Dear Chssie, How are you? i am fine. I am looking for a best friend or a penpal but it seems like you are a nice person i am 10 years old. How old are you? Where do you live? Please e-mail me back and don't e-mail me to much times because i don't sometimes have to caheck them all.>>> hi>>> my name is gariel.i am ten years old.i live in Trinidad and will be nice if can be my penpal. any way i am a girl drear:plp i want you to send me thing i am 12 and i wanna a best friend i have alot but i want more i think you sound nice both of you and i want to get to no you all better send me an email plzzzzzzzzzzzman i wish i could to but i live in ontario mabe we can listen to each other but u wouldnt want to listen 2 me Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: