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Ballerina_boy and his pink tights!!!!

geschrieben von Kyle at  am 18.08. um 22:53:24 - als Antwort auf: Re: Ballerina_boy  von Ballerina Boy at
>I'm surprised that you, like all too many other automatically assumed that my wearing pink tights means I'm gay. Being a dancer yourself, you should know about jumping to conclusions,

Why don't you take the time to read what I've written, before you beging to defend your orientation. I did not question your sexuality,I was attempting to stay polite.But I do question your dance teacher's motivation and your dance school for going along with her.the only answer I can think of is that they are motivated by money and that would lead one to wonder as to the quality of the dance trainning that you are getting. That is assuming that you are telling the truth about taking pointe class. If you are a true student of dance would you not want the best trainning you could afford yourself? Is wearing "Pink tights" to a pointe class at a bad dance school since they need your cash to stay in buisness worth the risk of being crippled and unable to walk let alone dance for the rest of your days?

I'm sure the few other boys here who do really love to dance and study dance and not it's vestments would agree with me when I say that any male straight or gay who would wear female attire in a Dance School is perpetuating the the myth of the effeminate male dancer. Any true Dance School would not allow a boy to wear female attire on a regular basis.I was told not to wear my sister's ballet gear on halloween at the dance school ever again, I thought it was funny to be mistaken for my twin sister, but as the dance school's director later explained to me I was doing myself and all other male students of dance a grave injustitce. What if an outsider form the school had seen me dressed in my sister's dancewear what would they have thought, of the school? of me? and of male dance students in general? Think about it!


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