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[i]>I have been in karate for about 6 years now,And yes I have taken a very hard snap kick in the balls,It did hurt for a second or two But it never caused me to even stop sparing for a second or even fall to the floor in pain like all the propaganda in the movies!?I have seen other men also get kicked in the groin and they never fell to the ground in pain?All it did is make them more pissed off and make them fight even harder!EEK!And our senior karate instructor also says the male groin is over rated and not the first place to strike in self defence.Eyes, nose, throat, are better because even in police departments cases where a women was attacked and she used groin kick and it had no effect on the male.And I know this from my female friends who used a groin kick against a male with little or no effect as well.But we also have women in our dojo and I have been here long enough to see women spar or fight with each other and intrestingly enough I have seen women receve a kick now and then into groin. And almost every time the women hit the ground pretty hard in agoney becoming incompasitated!!!The female instructors in our dojo tell the male members that it is not always a straight on kick to the pubic bone that is pain full the puts them out of comission,But a rising kick (up and into)the vulva that just kills them!!!So go figure?So when a women tells me that it does not hurt when they get kicked in the kitty,I know they are full of B.S.!!!And my girl friend agrees with me as well!
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