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Re: Scientific Proof vulva is as sensitive as testicles

geschrieben von Shâwñ ßâdÿk  am  um 10:18:12 - als Antwort auf: Re: Scientific Proof vulva is as sensitive as testicles von Shâwñ ßâdÿk

There are many females in this world who are too immature to admit that being kicked in the vulva is extremely painful. The fact is these so called females are usually males who have a fetish about being kicked in the testicles & hate the fact that females can feel such pain.

The fact is, I have seen females get kicked in the vulva & they were in as much pain as any guy I have seen get kicked in the testicles. In the 2000 Olympics I saw Lauren Burns get kicked in the vulva twice, & she had to take a time out & hold her vulva she was in that much pain & she was wearing groin protection, in fact in most regions of the world it's mandatory for males & females to wear groin protection during combat in martial arts.

Yes the testicles are larger & can be hit easier, but the vulva is slightly more sensitive as it contains the Bartholens' Gland & the clitoris which are very sensitive & can be damaged very easily in fact a kick in the vulva can cause vulvadynia which is a disorder that produces severe pain in the vulva all the time for no reason, & the only treatment is to put ice on the vulva to numb the pain, now if the vulva wasn't as sensitive as you girls on here claim, then there would be no disease called vulvadynia, go do a search at Google & see for yourself & see what pain women who suffer from this disorder have to face.

A male cannot suffer from long term testicluar pain-like disorders after being hit in the testicles because they are far tougher in structure than the Bartholen's Gland, the Bartholen's Gland is so important as without it sex is extremely painful cause it produces the moisture that lubricates the vaginal passages during sexual intercourse.

Yes there will be some cases where some men & women will not be too hurt after a kick in the groin, while others will be, it all depends on what damage is done to the region, such as a rupture or internal bleeding.

Here's a video clip of a female football player who got kneed in the vulva & she was in so much pain she had to be carried off on a stretcher, now that proves that being hit in the vulva is as painful as being hit in the testicles & that is something that none of your girls on here can counter-argue, see for yourselves;

I have studied the female & male genitalia for a long time & I have studied psycyhology as well & I have come across a large amount of girls who just cannot accept that being hit in the groin is painful for women too, so they make up ridiculous stories where they claim they were kicked & it didn't hurt, or how they kicked a guy & he was put in hospital, it's all too common to hear these girls make up these lies, it's just part of their immaturity, they do not want guys knowing females have a weakness too.

I have a website with photos of females getting kicked in the vulva, have fun but remember it contains nudity.

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