geschrieben von Shâwñ ßâdÿk am um 07:27:46 - als Antwort auf: Re: Proof being kicked in the vulva is as painful as being kicked in the testicles von dsad Sorry mate, but most of what you said is wrong. Domestic violence is about 50-50, in domestic violence females beat their spouse with an object 3 times more often than males beat their female spouse with an object, 90% of all domestic violence is initiated by females, 82% of children experience their first beating at the hands of their own mother, mothers beat their sons more severely than they beat their daugthers. Yes the vulva is as sensitive to pain as the testicles are, however men rarely beat women cause they are stronger than women & in our society it's considered "OK" for females to beat males, so women beat men knowing the law gives females who do this impunity, which is why the girls on this site beat boys. The girls on this site are a danger to society. To learn more facts like this, visit my Men's Rights Website But trust me, 50% of domestic violence victims are males, but since males are severely oppressed in the Western world, the female attackers are not brought to justice, & most men are too ashamed to admit they got beaten, that's how these women get away with it. >okay men have weak balls but we can't get raped, s3xually abused, have periods, period pain, menopuase, cramps have to wear bras and worry about tampons, and body hair, and have to look perfect, or have birth pain, postnatal bleeding, we don’t have to carry a child for nine months, morning sickness, breast feeding, were not seen as s3x objects, we don’t bitch over being a virgin or not, or worry bout anerexia even in todays' society with "equal rights" men get better jobs and women are still in the kitchens cleaning at home. And notice how if you call someon a "pussy" which just happens to be a girls genitals that means their weak but words like "manly" "be a man" '"cock" of the school' all are related to men. Also MANkind, you fight like a GIRL, policeMAN ...>THE LIST GOES ON FOReVER>Your just jealous that men DONT go through these things and feel angry that you have to have period pains for three days and get sick and have less s3x drive "UHH, UHH" the baby's comin" and all the stuff above so you think you can get man back because are balls a re sensitive BUT REMemBER;>++FEMALE's VULVA IS JUST AS SENSITIVE AS A >MANS TESTICLES++>And we have the advantage of being stronger, taller, faster, more weight, have more fighting experience.>You say on these boards you can beat men up but in real life when you see a man in the street a lot bigger then you, with his hood up you shit it, don’t make eye contact an walk the other way. If men are so vunerable why are you scared to walk down on you own at night (even in day) > >HAVE YOU SEEN in asian country's how badly women are treated. The are burnt alive wiuth acid and stuff get beaten by their husbands, can't work. If men are so weak because of their balls then why is this happening to women? EVEN IN EUROPE millions of wives are beaten up by their husbands, so why don't the abused women hit the guy in the balls and beat him up. Somestic violence to men does happen but very RARely, only thousands of Amercian men get abused but MILLIONS of women do>women have to act a certain way, talk, walk, cross their legs, dress a certain way and more BUT MEN can do what we like, show as much of are body as we like, be really sweaty and dirty and drink alot and burp and fart when we want cos were "MANLY" and tyhat means were we are naturally stronger, have more s3x drive, can eat more without getting fat, dont have to act lady like (cross legs and do nails etc.), being "manly" we act how we like. and we can dress how we like without people calling us sluts. Women aren't taken seriously (not many female presidents, spokesMAN or rich buisness women. The richest people in the world are 85% men. The 15% women usually get their money from wills and husbands. >And yeah its MANkind, policeMAN, be a MAN not a mouse, be MANLY. Being GIRLY means being weak. >Conclusion; men and womens genitals are equally sensitve so that puts us equal. >BUT everything I said above puts us on the edge. Antworten zu diesem Beitrag:
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