geschrieben von Red am um 14:25:13 - als Antwort auf: Re: Scientific Proof vulva is as sensitive as testicles von evil That is one of the most horrendous things I've ever heard, what the hell could someone have done to possibly deserve that?! You certainly sound like you live up to your name, 'evil'. I wonder whats wrong with the world sometimes........On a serious note though, I was once fun fighting with a female friend. It got a bit carried away and I kicked her square in the vulva. She curled up on the floor for a good 15mins, said she had never been in so much pain! So I guess its true, girls are also extreemely sensetive down there. So lets all be sensible and STOP KICKING EACH OTHER BETWEEN THE LEGS!!! Antworten zu diesem Beitrag:
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