geschrieben von Frank Castle am um 01:40:22 Kids, I have been to this site before to check it out for my daughter, I had refused to allow her to come here because of the contents I've seen. Children, I want you to be smart. remember that the world is full of good people. but also a lot of terrible people. Some of these people are on this site now (you know who you are) they prey on children like yourselves to get their own thrills. they will ask for pictures of you, and personal information. sometimes going so far as to disguise themselves as children themselves.these are the kind of scum I put away almost each day. Children, it is ok to interact with others who like ballet, this is what the forum is for after all. but use your head, if someone seems suspisious, or make you feel uncomfortable, you have the right not to talk to them and break all contact. I am against the idea of children sending out their photographs to strangers, but if you feel you must, than make sure you know who is on the recieving end of these photos. there are bad people out there who will use these photos either for their own sick pleasures or use it to try to kidnap you. Personal information should be kept as they are, personal. unless you feel you can trust the person of who you are giving the information. adresses or place of location should not be given out to anyone, there is no reason for anyone to know this info. these are some of the things to keep in mind when interacting with anyone online. Remember kids, keep safe. Use your heads. Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: > |