geschrieben von susann am um 22:25:33 - als Antwort auf: Re: Kicking boys between the legs too hard and too often! von nordmann >Hmmm...I call bullsheeite on this one. Why would adult woman stand and watch as her daughter and her freinds kick, stomp, and even "squeeze" a boy's genitals, only calling it off after repeated kicks to an exposed testicle? Bullpuckey. And she just so happened to come home in the middle of such an attack and they still didn't stop when she walked in? More bullpuckey. And if a boy had been attacked as described, with the full weight of a girl coming down on his scrotum, he would have been unconscious and most likely in need of hospitalization. Ruptured testicles, left untreated, are a life-threatening injury. Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: > |