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Re: I love wearing pink tights!!!

geschrieben von steve  am  um 20:13:49 - als Antwort auf: Re: I love wearing pink tights!!! von Ballerina Barbie
Well, I think the ballet teacher has a good argument here.  Guys don't wear pink for ballet.   As for the way guys wear the leotard, it's mostly for looks than for anything else...she wants to see the top of the legs and butt (to see what they are doing).  

>I think that'd be so cool to have the few boys in my ballet class wear the same pink tights and black leotards that I'm required to wear!!! I agree that it would create uniformity, and a nice unbroken line of black and pink clad bodies. I asked my ballet teacher why the boys can't wear the same pink tights and black leotards as we girls do. She said that no respectable ballet teacher would ever require boys to wear pink tights and black leotards, unless it was for a special performance. I guess that some old tradtions in ballet will never change, but I think that a boy wearing pink tights and a black leotard would look cute!!! :)

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