geschrieben von stephan am um 04:22:17 - als Antwort auf: Re: Girls are stinky! von Samy i think keds + leggings are kewl. how come its ok 4 smaller boys in france an stuf 2 wear tights but not kids here. ive tryed unitards but i feel better with just reglar tights and leotard. and ya i put on the leo last, it just holds nicer, and 2 me feel and look kewler. do u wear tights 2 school ever? i hope by doing it somtimes i can like, u know, start a trend or somthing. geting beat up sucks tho. like i sayd before im not tryin 2 be a girl but i wish just liking girlish stuff didint get boys smacked by thos girls. Antworten zu diesem Beitrag:
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