Balletlover - Balletmania
written by New Tight Boy at on 03.11. at 19:22:05 I know most of your advise was to just go into a dance store and pick out a unitard and leotard, but I just don't know if I can do it......This is the reason why I think fo now, I should find a good site to make my purchases over the internet. The Riddler suggest nydancewear, and they do have a great selections, I found a unitard that I AM going to order. It was also suggested to get a Bal Tog Leotard, #8708 - I can't find it in any dancewear sites!! Can anyone suggest a good leotard, or even where I can find that Bal tog one. Has anyone checked out Danny's warehouse. I found this site yesterday and everything, ranging from tights, leotards slippers and point shoes are only $10.00! Thought you may like to know. Again thanks to you all, and if you can help out with the leotard I would appreciate it.. New TightBoy Answers to this message: