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Re: Unusual!

written by Dep  on 04.11. at 17:49:33 - as answer to: Re: Unusual! by wildman at
>Check out they have some really great stuff(tights,socks)>Stripes in lots of colors Leopardskin Tiger Butterflies Camouflage just to mention a few. BTW whats wrong with Wal-mart? I work there! (Only place I could find a job after 2 months looking) I have worn tights from there, not my favorite but they were OK

>>>Sorry, Wild! I was just looking for an example of a real middle-america type of place, y'know? K-Mart would've worked just as well. Two weeks ago I would've said Sears, but (thanks to someone on this board) I recently got some really great tights there! Just goes to show, you never know!      -Depon

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