Balletlover - Balletmania
written by Mike on 06.11. at 04:53:23 - as answer to: Re: My Ballet Class by Terry Gal >> fully erect, wander the studio space like stallions in heat,>> hungrily pawing at (willing) pointe shoe shod sylphs lusting>> for a spandex encased thrust. Most of those tales are absolute>> nonsense; clowns who act in such a manner are quickly winnowed>> out.>It's about time somebody said that, and you've said it particular->ly well. Ballet is an art in which fantasy plays a considerable>role; but the fantasy, regrettably, isn't restricted to magic>nutcrackers & enchanted swans. Much of it resides in adolescent>notions of what goes on in class. Ballet class is a place to>work, not a place to fool around, no matter how delicious those>sylphs may look. Thank you for providing all here with a healthy>dose of reality.>Terry Gal Terry -- I certainly never meant to imply that I would not take the classes seriously and would only go to leer at the women. I should have mentioned that my wife is a dancer and has taken ballet all of her life, so I am aware of the commitment and hard work that it takes. I have been looking for some sort of organized activity that would provide me with exercise and this sounds like just what I am looking for. I'm sorry if I offended anyone here and made it sound like I had no respect for ballet -- I certainly do! Answers to this message: |