Balletlover - Balletmania
written by Dep on 09.11. at 16:53:41 Suddenly (today), I remembered being particularly excited when I saw a girl in jeans (normally, I hate pants on women, natch) with tights on underneath, and just as excited when I wear jeans over a pair of tights. I used to think it was just the "I'm outside in tights and nobody knows" thing, but there's definitely a sensual pleasure there! Last winter I was wearing jeans over a pair of navy-blue opaques while I was over at the girls house (this was back when I was trying to get her used to my fetish) and one of her friends came over to watch a movie with us. I remember timidly poking my feet out from under the blanket the girl and I had over our legs, and the girl running her (white) tights-clad feet over mine. The room was dark (but lit by the TV), and we were watching a movie (though I remember the friend wasn't too interested in it), and I always wonder if she noticed that I was wearing tights...I mean, my lover was kind of drawing attention to our feet with the footsie thing (maybe it's just me, but when I see two people playing footsie, you could set off a bomb and not get me to look away!), and she had pulled up my pants enough that I could tell I wasn't wearing socks when I looked down. Man, I love remembering stuff to fantasize about! Cheers! -Depon Answers to this message: