Balletlover - Balletmania
written by Dancing Fool at on 22.01. at 00:44:13 - as answer to: loose fitting tights by Balletchap at >This is my first posting and am glad to be apart of this list.>I am about to start an adult ballet class with mainly women.>I have been taking private ballet lessons for the past year and the thought of wearing tights scares the shit outta me. Is it okay to wear a baggy T-shirt over them as I don't think I will feel very confident wearing tights. Another idea I have is to wear tights 1-2 sizes up and not pull them up so tight like you see dancers on TV. What do you all think? Does it really matter that much? I have seen ballet performances in which the men wear normal baggy>pants instead of tights. Surely wearing tights is not that essential in ballet is it, but rather just adhering to conformity.>Your honest opinions will be appreciated as I am too embarrassed to talk to my dance teacher about this.>Regards>Balletchap I only recently started and was a little nervous about the tights thing too. But, I quickly became so focused on what I was doing in class I completely forgot what I was wearing. It does make a difference wearing tights. It's easier for the teacher to see my mistakes and correct me. Plus, I can see myself easier and correct myself. I haven't once thought about what others think seeing me dressed in tights. Everyone else is dressed the same. I'd feel out of place if I wasn't. Answers to this message: |