Balletlover - Balletmania
written by 989 on 24.01. at 00:25:01 - as answer to: Re: Excuse to get some pointe shoes by Terry Gal at heh, thats one way. nah just do what jp said, it makes perfect sense. just be casual about it. or see if you can get angie to get them for you. >The answer is very simple. You go to the store. You say, "I'd>like to be fitted for some pointe shoes. Can you help me?" They>say, "Why, what do you want those for?" You say, "So I can wear>them.">What are they going to do? You have money; they want it. Are they>going to say, "Eeeewww! How weird!"? Not if they want your money.>Are they going to call all the staff over & giggle at you? Not if>they want your money.>Hey, guy, your money is as green as any girl's, even with the new>designs for 10 and 20 dollar bills!>Terry Gal
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