![]() ![]() Balletlover - Balletmania
written by Dep on 23.02. at 04:20:43 - as answer to: Re: Outer space tights and leotards by The Riddler >Just one last quick observation....>If you remember, Judy Robinson (The very HOT Marta Kristen!!) wore black tights under her long skirt in the first season. And for the entire third season, she wears some incredible purple tights!!! She's got great legs for tights!!! I to wished that she had become one of those villains in those physcodelic tights and leotards!!! >>>I just remembered seeing that episode when I was a kid, and thinking how cool it would've been to be one of those actors, showing up for work and being given that costume to wear!>>>So, set the wayback machine for 1991 or so, and I'm working as an extra (you know, those guys and gals in the background of movies and TV shows.) Lousy job, by the way, 'cept on days like this...So, I'm working on a three-day shoot for "Murder, She Wrote." I show up at the soundstage and find out that I've been "cast" along with about a dozen other extras, as opera singers. Then they give me my costume, and you guessed it: A CHILDHOOD DREAM COME TRUE. The fakey opera that's going on in the show is some renaissance or medieval thang, and all the men are issued SHORT jerkins (mine barely covered my butt!) and matching tights. I almost passed out! My tights were saggy, but they looked okay as long as I continued to fuss with them (which, as you might've guessed, was no problem atall...) And yes, I made sure anyone who wanted to got a look up my "skirt". If you happen to catch the episode (don't know the title, but how many MSWs took place at the opera?) look for the guy in the burgundy tights. That's me, gang!-Depon Answers to this message: |