Balletlover - Balletmania
geschrieben von Seamless at am 03.07. um 00:18:06 - als Antwort auf: Re: The good old days!! von EMPIRA at >I rememberall too well those days. I even have the dancewear catalogs to proove it. I think one of my favorite catalogs was the 1980 Danskin catalog, featuring SUPER shiny leotards and pants. Of course the Taffy's catalog from the early 80's was pretty hot too. Lots of men and women in leotards tights, and unitards throughout. Wearing all kinds of great things..... sigh..... those were the days.....>Check out the film "PERFECT" for a blast from the spandex past....--Wow. I hadn't heard the name "Taffy's" in a long time. I still have one of their catalogs too. Remember "Taf Taff Taffy's" on their bags? This was the dance store that gave me my first unitard experience. I'd selected a light blue metallic short sleeve footed Lycra MStevens unitard. After looking at the unitard draped in my hands, the saleswoman asked me if I'd like to try it on. I was so nervous, anxious, and excited in the changing stall that I took forever to put it on. I remember her asking me if "everything was OK?" when I'd only gotten into one leg of it, then just giving up, taking it off, and buying the unitard right away. Wearing that unitard was such a revelation from the world of tights and leotards, an ultimately stimulating experience. I'll never forget it. I still feel a bit sad that I ended up cutting it to ribbons in one of my futile attempts at kicking the fetish. Anyway, enough of that. Yes, PERFECT is indeed perfect. I taped it off cable TV a long time ago and still watch it once in a while for a little Lycra fun. I too miss the 80's, the Lycra decade. ~Seamless~ Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |