Balletlover - Balletmania
written by Old John at on 08.07. at 17:41:28 I am totally puzzled by some pepoles sence of outrage. I can't understand why looking at these images, and discussing them is somehow different from what is talked about everyday on this board. Almost every posting is a discussion about a TV show, or movie, or book that features girls (and boys) wearing tights and leotards!!! Why is there such anger when the members of this board discuss the images from the Jillana's web cam?????? Why is this different??? Is it because these are real live dancers, not fictional characters? I'll never understand why there's ben such hostility, and name calling over this issue. To read some of the objector's postings, you'd think that we should not be looking at dancers who are too young to be gawked at, just because of what they're wearing. In one sence, I agree with that. I would never take pleasure at staring at a 10 year old girl, no matter how she's dressed. But it appears to me that most of the ballerinas on the web can are into their late teens. It also bothers me that some of the more pious critics say flat out that we don't appreciate the art form that is ballet. I can't speak for others, but I certainly do. I've had two cousins attent ABT and SAB, and their sacrafises are incredible. But, that does not mean that everyone that goes to see a ballet performance is there to admire the art form. There will always be some who are turned on by seeing the dancers wear tights or leotards or ballet foot wear. That is life!! As long as they control themselves, who's to mind??? It's the very same thing in sports. We all know that some people watch hockey, just to see a fight. There are also those among us that watch auto racing just to see a crash. Are these people sick? It depends on who's doing the judging. So in conclusion, I will state that I have no problem with veiwing these images from the dance studio. I am also very glad to see that no member of this board posted any obscene, or lewd remarks about these hard working dancers. Their hard work is to be admired. But if some pepole want to comment on their clothing, rather than their dancing..... Live and let live!!! Answers to this message: