Balletlover - Balletmania
written by Sim on 27.07. at 04:08:07 - as answer to: Re: sniff sniff by Fea Terr >>Yes, yes I do. I mean, what are YOU doing here? (I WAS discussing my sexual fetish with a group of like-minded individuals, until I had to start dealing with you.) Don't YOU have anything better to do? (Sure, plenty. But this board had been a great place to commune with other people who have a fetish for dancewear. It's shown me that there are all types of people in the same situation as me. There's differences, sure, but we all have this dancewear thing in common. Makes us all feel less alone.) This place is a diversion for me. (Me too, but I've also found it to be inspirational, and also a place where I can help others make sense of what they might be feeling, if what they're feeling is analogous to something I might've felt in the past.) A diversion from work, to be honest. (Sorry that your job is so shitty that you have to send thousand-k photos to some BBS for grins.) I also get to stand up for what I believe in such as making a big stink when MINORS are being exploited by pedophiles (Oh, so now you're a CRUSADER? A lone voice for decency in a world of horrible evil? Do you honestly believe that you're the only person on this board who is against pedophilia? You're making this HUGE cause out of this Jilliana School deal, when many of us expressed our discomfort about the site, as well. I might also refer you to this forum's archive, where you'll find the records of our dealings with some clam who called himself "Professor Leotard." We spanked him soundly and sent him home, and we did it with righteousness and style, in most cases. We didn't resort to spammery, or other childish "techniques" such as sending false posts under other participant's names. Real class move there, by the way. If you really want to combat pedophilia, boycott Thailand and give a few bucks to Andrew Vachss. If what you want to do is be a pain-in-the-ass, and the center of attention, well keep on doing that thing you do. But those of us who have a brain in our heads know the difference between righteous action and self-righteous, overly-prejudicial thuggery. You're a vandal, pure and simple.) I also like to get a laugh once in a while, which at this forum has been on a daily basis (Glad to help. My good deed for the day.) What are your reasons? (As I've said, entertainment and community.) I'll bet you spend quite a bit of time on the Internet.....who are you to criticize me on this issue? (What does one have to do with the other? Speaking for myself, I'm a college-educated professional who is in a committed relationship. I work hard, have as much fun as possible, treat people well, I wear tights when I'm having sex, and I surf the net for an hour or so instead of watching TV. I'm also not critcizing your "stand" on child-exploitation, I just think it's a smokescreen. You get a kick out of annoying people, that's what this is all about. As you said, this is how you get your "once-in-a-while" laughs. I laugh a lot, by the way, and not just at you.) Just do yourself a favor and stand up for whatever it is you think is important. (I do. I just happen to believe that people who have an active and creative interest in sexuality, accept their sexual quirks and those of others, without hurting other people, have got a line on living a pretty good life. I boycott both Thai-based businesses AND Nike-nobody fucks a kid quite like those bastards- I've also reported unsuitable content on the net, and I campaign for victim's rights. You?) You don't like me here? Fine, state your case. (You're a self-righteous, unintelligent jerk-off who tries to pass prankery off as social action. What do you think, someday the victims of child abuse will thank you for being a dickhead to a bunch of guys who like to wear tights?) I really don't care and you can't hurt me by your comebacks. (Not trying to hurt. Just educate. Like they should've done at Salem, or post-Weimar Germany-sorry to bring that up, Parsimony. Besides, you're a coward. You know quite a bit about US, what do we know about you, besides the fact that you're WAY too into Monty Python?) Heck I deserve a lot of crap. (Ah, the HUMBLE spammer. Gosh, I'm impressed.) Go for it, k? It is just my hope that other people, especially KIDS, wandering in here will notice this is a bad place and run very fast in another direction (Anybody who's wandered in here and felt that it was a "bad" place hasn't stuck around, 'cept you. Personally, I respect kids enough to know that they have enough smarts not to be "corrupted" by a board like this. Anyone who's found any sort of kinship with anyone on this board HAS stuck around, had a good time, and maybe learned something about themselves and others. Can't see what you've got against that, unless you're one of those pathetic folk who can't stand to let anyone have a place to be themselves. Rejoice! The world rewards people like you. Until you plug yourself and Eva in the bunker, that is...). Answers to this message: