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Re: Patterned tights

written by Tom  on 18.08. at 22:09:00 - as answer to: Patterned tights by Dep
> "illustrated" tights you've ever seen or owned?  I've actually> never had a pair myself (unless my thermals count,) but I've> seen some really neat examples in photo and in person....

My wife & I found a pair of tights by some unknown manufacturerwith reproductions of paintings all over them.  This was in about1995.  The artwork looked mediaeval but was actually probably pre-Raphaelite.  Anyway, they were stunning, & she prodded me intogetting them.  They looked smashing.  They were also, unfortu-nately, none too strong & one-size-fits-all.  (Somebody once saidthat "one size fits all" applies only to earrings!)  So after afew years they got stressed once to often & ran, but while theylasted they were terrific.  I've never seen anything like themsince.  The tie-dyed ones I got from Splash City are nice, butnot in the same league.


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