Balletlover - Balletmania
written by Pers on 18.01. at 23:52:11 - as answer to: Recovered memory by Dep >>>>I've been thinking a lot about my sexual past (mostly for this thing I'm writing, I still don't have the guts to call it a novel, really!) and I remembered this small but loverly moment from my adolescence: I was sixteen, and watching a skit put on by some students a year ahead of me. In one scene, a girl (never met her) was sitting on a stool in a navy leo, jeans, and navy tights, no shoes. Naturally, this piqued me interest, so I kept an eye out for her in future scenes. Turned out to be unnecessary, for about two minutes later she reappears as a cocktail waitress, walking out facing the audience in the same leo and tights, with just a short apron over them. Then she turns to the other players on stage, and it was nothing but form-fitting nylon in the back! Sexy walk, too-she knew she was showing off her butt and legs, and obviously liked it. Yeah depon I remember going to school in the seventies, it always seemed whenever there was a talent show assembly, you could always be guranteed of at least one act where the girls would appear 0n stage in some sort of leotard and tights ensemble. Does anybody have any more stories similar to that. Answers to this message: