Balletlover - Balletmania
written by Dep on 03.02. at 00:57:49 >>>...That chances go 'round, that is. All those years of sneaking my mom's and sister's tights, never got caught. Until last thursday, when I woke up at Dea's and found all my pants were in the laundry room. Well, it was about eight A.M., and both Dea's sons were already at school, so I threw a t-shirt on over my Angies and scampered across the living room, only to find myself looking right into the face of DEA'S TWENTY-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER. No kiddink! Unlike that time with the robe and my friends wife, I was O-U-T OUT and visible, as the T shirt didn't even reach halfway down my butt. "Cleo" was just c0ming to the door, which puts one square in the front room window. Dea showed up right after the kid (I'd scampered into the laundry room, where I was out of those tights in a flash, I can tell ya!) There's a chance that Cleo wasn't looking down at the moment (I'd caught her eye when I saw her, but it took a few seconds to finish my "cross," so she had a reasonable opportunity to see something she shouldn't!) and Dea reassured me that if she'd seen anything that odd, she would've questioned her about it. Cleo's also a pretty mature and uninhibited kid, so I'm not as upset about her knowing about my tightsmanhood (!) as I would be if I'd been caught by either of her sons. So the cracks in my tights closet are starting to appear...-Depon (In: White DKNYs) >>>P.S. As for this having an effect on my hosiery proclivities, Let me just say that I was back in tights seconds after the girl too a powder! >>>P.P.S. Any of youse guys tried Lane Bryant Super Opaques yet? They only c0me in black, but they're magnificent tights, (really opaque and cozy,) and since it's Lane Bryant, they c0me in two sizes: "Guy," and "Big Guy." Go get some, before they go "out of season." That's an order! Answers to this message: