Re: Ballet and Jazz Teachers Needed, Charlotte, NC
Written by - Geschrieben von Cristina de Juan at / am 31 Oct 2000 19:05:50:
As an answer to - Als Antwort auf Ballet and Jazz Teachers Needed, Charlotte, NC written by - geschrieben von G. Ohmann at / am 31 Oct 2000 17:35:34:
>Just read your ad on internet. A very professional teacher, with excellent experience and background would be willing to send her resume. It would have to be on a CONTRACT basis. Her recommendations are available upon request.Fernando Bujones being one of them for whom she worked as Ballet Mistress and Assistant Director.
At the same time, if you want to see her, a WORKSHOP - MASTERS GET TOGETHER will take place in Miami,Florida next February 2001. Miss Martinez, Mr. Bujones (probably)and many others will be imparting classes during this month.It will also serve as a cultural exchange between US cities and Latin American Countries.
Please contact me regarding both matters, should you be interested.
Thank you very much,Cristina de Juan[/i]