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geschrieben von am um - als Antwort auf: audition: male dancers for a dance theatre project may/june 2004 von
Written by - Geschrieben von ramon lopez at / am 16 Jul 2004 18:20:13: As an answer to - Als Antwort auf audition: male dancers for a dance theatre project may/june 2004 written by - geschrieben von dance events productions (Muenster / Germany) at / am 20 Nov 2003 23:59:27: >Claudine Merkel dance events productions>is seeking for male dancers>for a dance theatre project>in may/june 2004>in Muenster/Germany (10 performances).>Rehearsals starting in april 2004.>Contact: c.merkel@t-online.de Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |