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geschrieben von Sayonika am 11.07. um 13:05:10 - als Antwort auf: Audition von Carte Blanche NO In your audition, do your abltsuoe BEST! They look at everything technique, turnout, muscles, flexibility, and all that good stuff, but also things like your determination, comprehension, how quickly you learn combinations, etc. But be aware, some (especially prestigious companies) look at things you can't change, such as your bone structure, height, weight, build, even hair color or spacing between your eyes!Anyway, if you're good, you'll get in. If you're VERY good (surpassing most of the competition), you'll get a scholarship. Check the website of wherever you're auditioning. They usually offer scholarships to any student who has the qualifications, so if they admit you're age, they'll probably offer a scholarship. Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |