Urgent!!! Looking for a male dancer. Rhein-Main-Area
geschrieben von am um Dance Jobs in ballet - Die Job BörseA place to dance: Urgent!!! Looking for a male dancer. Rhein-Main-Area, Katerin Ax at / am 5/11/2000 15:18 http://bilder.parsimony.net/back/back-01.jpg">
Urgent!!! Looking for a male dancer. Rhein-Main-Area
Written by Katerin Ax at / am 11 May 2000 15:18:49:
I am looking for a male dancer for a single job (perhaps later more) at the first of July.Good experiences in Jazz and Theaterdance.It would be good if you are form Rhein-Main-Area in germany.Please contct me under the following Adress