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Written by Shirley Raun at / am 22 Aug 2000 03:55:40: As an answer to: Exper. Male Ballet Dancer For Hire written by Matt Geiger at / am 08 Aug 2000 17:02:15: Hi MatWe are currently looking for a male dancer to compliment our season. We are located in Central California. Our productions this season include Nutcracker (with a full orchestra), Firebird and several other contemporary offerings. Please send resume, photos and video ASAP to Shirley Raun, 1207 W. Paul, Fresno, CA 93711. You can check us out on the web at www.fresnoballet.orgLooking forward to hearing from you. >Looking for contract. I have 14 years of training. I have travled across the country with several small companies. I have partner experiance. Would like to work in CA or near. Will send resume, photos and video.
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