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geschrieben von am um - als Antwort auf: Elite Dance Artists Management is updating files von
Written by - Geschrieben von saar harari at / am 14 Apr 2001 05:34:57: As an answer to - Als Antwort auf Elite Dance Artists Management is updating files written by - geschrieben von Todd at / am 06 Mar 2001 20:34:10: i am an experience dancer and choreograph from israel with a lote of an international experience>Elite Dance Artists Management http://www.elitedance.com/elite is currently updating its dancer files. The agency specializes in the representation of high profile dance artists who are available for short term guest artist type employment.>All applicants shouls have at least 5 years experience working with a professional ballet company.>Please send all info to osiris661@yahoo.com Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |