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geschrieben von am um - als Antwort auf: Looking for classically trained male dancer von
Written by - Geschrieben von oliver toth at / am 08 May 2001 06:13:30: As an answer to - Als Antwort auf Looking for classically trained male dancer written by - geschrieben von Ingeborg Heuser at / am 23 Mar 2001 21:04:00: >Job opening June-December 2001> We are looking for classically trained male ballet dancers. Foreigners will receive visa for conract period.Good pay.> e-mail address: INGEBORG@miners.utep.edu Hello,My name is Oliver Toth, I'm a Class/modern dancerDiplom; Budapest Dance Academy 1992Member;3 years Hungarian National Bal.Member; 1 year Rostock Dance ThaetreMember; 1 year Cats Australia National tourTheaching; Sydney Dance Company (klass)Member; 2 year Cats HamburgIf you have any questions, please contact me.Thanks Oliver Toth Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |