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geschrieben von am um - als Antwort auf: would you (student or instructor) like to teach ballet for money von
Written by - Geschrieben von Dana Farris at / am 27 Feb 2002 00:50:23: As an answer to - Als Antwort auf would you (student or instructor) like to teach ballet for money written by - geschrieben von Emanuel at / am 31 Dec 2001 13:31:20: Hi, I am 19 years old and i have been taking dancing since i was 3. i have taught a young girl's class for ballet tap and jazz once, but i have always been to busy with being a student to do it again. I would like this oppurtunity to do it again. I was raised in a strict dancing environment so I could be strict on you as well. where would i have to go and what kind of dancing would you like to learn? I am not concerned about the pay. thank you, dana farris Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |