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geschrieben von am um - als Antwort auf: Male Ballet Dancer Available To Guest von
Written by - Geschrieben von oscar campisi at / am 07 Nov 2002 21:01:57: As an answer to - Als Antwort auf Male Ballet Dancer Available To Guest written by - geschrieben von Chris at / am 01 Nov 2002 20:17:43: >Male Ballet Dancer Available to Guest, strong partner, easy to work with, please email for credentials. Thanks, happy holidays.hi ,My name is oscar campisi,Iam italian but I live in NYC , I have dance with few company in europe such ;Les Ballet national de rolamnd Petit, Peter Schauffus, Schottish Ballet, Jeune Ballet de France,I have a web site too.www.favoritedancer-oscar.com this is my fax number 646-672-0794.please let me know if u need a partner..thanks oscar Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |