I cycle beetween wearing thongs and jockstraps on a dialy basis. Sometimes I wear different dancebelts in between.
Whatever I feel comfortable in (regarding underwear) I wear. Bias can be only expressed if you tell people what you're wearing!
As for dancewear....I always wear a dancebelt if I'm wearing tights or leotards. I've worn dancebelts under tights and worn a thong leotard on top of this combination. I also wear thongs over a dancebelt and tights or unitard...It's a way to contrast the body. In fact, Dance France (a former company that made "exercise wear" for males and females) often featured guys wearing thongs, trunks, etc. over the tights.
I rarely wear anything that does not allow my butt muscles to be set apart. When you dance, you need to see each half of your butt and how the muscles are working.
What you like is what you should wear. Almost every ballet class I've been in (as an adult; not when I was a teen in graded classes) tolerates almost any dancewear.
>hello. i am a 40 yr. old straight male who has recently rediscovered my passion for wearing leotards and tights. i also enjoy wearing shiny lycra thongs. i was wondering, when wearing a thong leotard over or under tights, does one still wear a dancebelt? and regarding thongs, are there any women or guys with girlfriends or wives who DON'T hate thongs? there seems to be a ridculous bias against men wearing thong underwear. thanks for the feedback, this page is a great find. it's been 20 years since i pulled a leotard on over tights, and i can't wait to get into a thong leo.[/i]