>>>Once more for the short-bussers: No, you are a conquistador because you want to impose your vision of how a person should behave on others. Whatsa matter, uncomfortable with wit? Or is that something else you want to regulate?
>You degrade the hours, years dancers put into their work by treating them like sex objects. Yes, freak, objectiving people and sexualizing things is degrading to the dignity of human beings.
>>>What, no person who devotes long hours to dance ever gets horny? Where do you go to class, Saltpeter Springs?
>Take your 'anything goes' morality and go some fetish board with it.
>>>And take your rigid constraints on human sexuality, and find yourself someone as fearful of the different as yourself. I know who the good guys are.
>yeah, 'normal' is a restrictive term. I guess so is decent and 'moral' you seem to object ot morality. fine,go follow around your dick like animal in heat, but civlized people and societies control their urges.
>>>I object to being taught morality by some clam who favors control over understanding, yeah. And the true mark of civilization is tolerance, in my book. But hey, why am I trying to teach a pig to sing? In the words of Ian Hunter: "You ain't got the weight to hate. But you ain't no pretty sight. And you're standing in my light."