>>>Well, I just like arguing. And the point is, if this board were "taken over" by dancewear fetishists, it happened a long time ago. I show up, see sexy posts about dancewear, and for some reason, I think that's the tone of the board. Whatta dope, eh?
>Depon, do honestly think your asymetirical misdistedted sexuality is something to be enouraged? I am glad you have found an unsterstanding woman but how much as this inhibited your ablity to interact with women???
>>>Not encouraged, understood. And communication with like minded types has given me, if anything, more of an openness to other peoples lifestyles, and my "ability to interact with women" has benefitted in kind. Everybody's some kind of weird to someone else. Live it, or live with it. (that's what I learned in therapy, misdistedted or not.) Sorry, but I call 'em as I see 'em.[/i]