Rosetta smiles with unfeigned pleasure at Balledir's attempt to speak Italian. She is genuinely touched that he cares enough to try to learn the language that is dear to her heart. "Della ballerina," she gently corrects him. "Aspetti un momento. Voglio danzare in questo body un po'."
She loves this beautiful leotard, her favorite leotard in her whole collection, with its deep shade of burgundy, its sleek long sleeves that reach to the heels of her hands, its plunging bare back that seems to lengthen the line of her already swanlike neck, and the shirred ruche in between her little breasts that adds an interesting dimension of texture to her bosom. Now that she has been sweating, it is glued closely to every nook and cranny of her body exactly like her own skin. She thinks it wouldn't hurt to admire herself in the mirror just a little longer.
Rosetta hopes that Balledir won't be offended by the sweaty crotch of her tights, as he took them so quickly — so eagerly — before they'd had a chance to dry.
Then Rosetta turns to face Balledir, smiling shyly. She has been saving this treat for someone special, after practicing alone at home before a full-length mirror. She begins to perform the Hindu "Dance of Enticement" which she had taught herself from watching an Italian-dubbed video of the film Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love. After whirling with abandon, she holds a bent-knees stance, her bent arms lifted to shoulder height, and sinously shifts her head from side to side while her eyes dance this way and that.[/i]