Nobody said they are actually acting out their desire(s) to parade in inappropriate dance wear in front of young children or molest them. Did anybody also expressed a desire on this site to do things to animals? I don't think so!
People that fantasize dressing up in male or female dance attire connot be simply and automatically be labled as a sex manic going out on an rampage and cause harm to kids.
A proper ballet school/academy will never tolerate improper dance attire from boys/girls in class, especially behaving indecently! Each school has their own strict dress code! You think parents will want their children to attend class together with an aldult with ulterior motive(s)other than to learn the disclipline of ballet? Again, I don't think so!
This site is called "Dance Wear Dreams"; Don't you understand simple English? Some people utilize this site to express their dreams/fetishes. I find nothing wrong with it. Boys and girls that are young and immature should never be allowed in this site. There is a thing called "parential control"
Your constant use of foul language only make me and other readers suspect you are under-educated and in need of a proper training in your use of grammer and spelling.
But then, maybe you are already too thick headed to learn logically anymore.
Keep up with your unwarranted comments, it is funny and better than watching clowns on TV, I will always lookout for your postings especially when I needed a laugh.
Sami, a serious dancer with 8 years of training!
>reel dancer, you are a joke, your holier than thou bogoted thinking really makes my day!>>You are obviously one that holds your one sided thinking as the bible, remember this is a democratic society, if you don't like what people say, get out. >>Yet you continue to read what everybody have to say and becauce they don't think like you, you think you must put your two cents'worth of single minded opinion.>>This is an unmoderated site, get real, reel! Go to, if you want serious discussions.>>Calling people creeps and words like that only make people think you are an uneducated, simple minded, tunnel visioned amoeba.>Oh so you call me a narrow minded bigot but that's "okay", and your version of democracy is 'if you don't like it leave'....hilarious - your sitcom TV philosophy and pop psycology slogans are hilarious...where did I mention anything about the bible? I didn't but it's interesting that YOU jump to that conclusion and also in a display of some pretty narrow minded bigotry yourself, think bible=itolerance. SO in your world, a mother thersa is some sort of a thug, and someone who is selfishing parading around a fetish is a saint. >What's really funny is the basic lack of understanding of even rudimentory logic.>SO you are saying i am 'narrow minded' for not accepting your fetish...right?>so you you 'narrow minded' for not accepting someone who wants to display their shit fetish in public? or who wants to screw animals in front of children? >Do us a favor, put down the channel clicker, pick up a book of basic reasoning, then try to present some half-convoluted arguement. [/i]