For starters, you might have them read the question, "I'm a guy! DoI *have* to wear tights?" in the ballet/modern FAQ, located on myWeb site. Considering how many guys wear tights for other activ-ities--cycling, gym, even skiing--I have a hard time understandingwhy guys object to tights for ballet. But many do.
Now, if you can't persuade them at all, contact the teacher & askhow strict they are about dress codes. Many teachers will let youget by with warmup pants, shorts, or even sometimes ordinarytrousers. But the dance belts are a Must. And in time, maybethey'll come to realize that tights aren't so bad. :-)
: What kind of tights and dance belts do I get them?
The preceding question in the FAQ, "Okay, I'm starting ballet. Whatequipment do I need?" will help you in this, & in most of your otherquestions, as much as anything will. Tights can be footed or notfooted; you wear socks only with the ones that aren't footed.
Hope this helps; feel free to e-mail me if you have any furtherquestions.
Tom Parsons