Dance wear dreams

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Re: love wearing skin tights for men as a general turn on keep warm thing each day

geschrieben von TightsLover  am 01.12. um 15:25:43
>I Think That All Of Us Men Should Band Together And Be Proud. We should come out of hiding and allow ourselves to be heard.>There is a whole market out there for men's pantyhose,tights, and leotards.  Would anyone else want this?



I totally agree !!!  We men should start putting our foot down !  Why shouls only women be allowed to have all the fun ???  Men should be allowed to wear what they want, when they want and this should be acceptable practise !

I like to wear tights, leggings, unitards, thong leo's around the house and I would love to be accepted like this in public !  I like my body, why am I frowned upon when I appear like that in public.  (I am straight as can be)

May society soon give in !TightsLover

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