geschrieben von pinktights_blackleotards at am 23.09. um 22:52:34 - als Antwort auf: Re: Boy on pointe von Bob at >Do you study ballet? I used to take ballet for about 10 or 11 years along with jazz and Tap from when I was 8 until I was about 16 or 17. Then I stopped for 3 years and started up again. Then got into a jazz company and performed along the east coast until I was 29 then broke my ankle doing a barrell turn jump over 3 people and couldn't dance for 6 weeks then upon therapy discovered ballet and this girl(ballerina) that I fell in love with and followed her to class 1 day and registered for class so I could meet her and started taking ballet and sharing her lotards and tights and then we broke up and I married someone else who is really cool about my fetish for ballet wear. Anyway now it's 8 years and 3 kids later and we are very happy. I only wish i could have taken pointe classes weariong my pink tights and black or purple leotard. 1 nite not too long ago we were talking about my fetish and my wife asked whether I danced to wear tights and leotards or if I just really liked dancing and I really don't know but I have to say I danced to wear girls tights and leotards. Pink Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |