geschrieben von Balletfan at am 02.08. um 11:09:00 - als Antwort auf: Re: WHY CAN'T I STOP WEARING LEOTARDS von David at >>I also want to be wrestled by a sexy girl dancer. For real. Until I cry and wet my leotards... > The best "dancebelts" I found for wearing under my thong leotards are made by>One Step Ahead. They are thong supplex briefs sold at I get>the support I need from them. Even with a tilt. And I get alot of those when I>wear thong leotards and briefs. In my view there are no such things as a ladies leotard and a mens leotard to me the leotards the girls wear are what us guys can wear too if we want leotards are a unisex item of clothing. the only thing that defies the gender is the colour I,E. Pink I don't mean to be sexist but thats the colour most female dancers wear so if us guys can avoid pink the there is no problem with us guys wearing leotards I mean what was the name of the person who invented them Jules Leotard and he was a guy so lets salute monsieur Leotard being letting the guys wear his creation. Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |