geschrieben von BikerforBallet at am 23.10. um 20:38:48 - als Antwort auf: Re: walking around the mall in tights von A Mad guy in tights >thanks a whole lot you sick stupid son of a gun. Guys like you give good guys a bad name. Yes, it is a taboo subject men wearing tights in public. I work as a laberer for a construction company. I ware tights when I go running or bikeing or for just plain comfort. Wearing tights and sneakers is a novelty from wereing denim jeans and steel toed boots. When I wear tights I always keep my male part covered or not showing at all. Thanks to sick perverts like you I can't enjoy wearing tights in public because I don't like being juged a sick Bast(something) like you. PEOPLE I KNOW THIS IS A DANCE BOARD NOT A SEX FETISH BOARD FOR PERVERTS I AM SO SORRY IF I MAKE ANY DANCERS MAD FOR TANTING THEIR WONDERFULL DANCE BOARD THANK YOU! WELL, its a pretty CANDY-ASSED construction worker who worries about what people might think of him when he wears tights!!!!!!!!!!!! Biker for Ballet Antworten zu diesem Beitrag: |