Dance wear dreams

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Re: men wearing leotards

geschrieben von Dep  am 01.11. um 19:22:57 - als Antwort auf: Re: men wearing leotards von debbie parker
>>>>>>>>>tell me gal or guys what do you think of a man wearing tight spandex and leotard at the gym?>>>>Whatever turns you on!!!>>>ALL MEN SHOULD WEAR TIGHTS AND LEOTARDS ALL THE TIME!!! YOU MUST FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF JUST HOW AROUSING IT IS TO PUT ON GIRLS TIGHTS AND LEOTARDS. SO BE A MAN, WEAR YOUR TIGHTS AND LEOTARDS!!!! >>i do i do wear my tight leotard and tights >THERE IS NOTHING LIKE WEARING  LEOTARDS TO BED AS THEY KEEP>AS THEY KEEP YOUR BOOBS IN PLACE

>>>Yea, Debbie! From an outsiders POV (I'm male), the sight and feel of a woman's breasts under a leotard is unbelievable, and the experience of sleeping with a girl in a leotard (especially if you're both wearing tights) is totally gourmet! Question is: how can we get as many women as possible to feel the same way? Don't change, Ms. Parker, you give us dancewear fetishists hope!                      -Depon

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